WordPress Update to 4.0

I’m sure you’ve read the huge flood of posts about the new WordPress update. It seems like bloggers have been this subject to death. I’m sick of hearing about all the new features in the latest update. As a matter of fact, I’m going to go on record as saying I’m not that fond of it. There are two huge usability flaws in the new update that I absolutely cannot stand. I can’t figure out why in the world they would implement these two features. They need to roll these features back to the previous versions, because they were more user-friendly. Let’s talk about the two features of the Benny WordPress update I hate.

Wordpress Update - Editor


Why in the world did they think it was a good idea to have to scroll through your entire post to get to the panels underneath it? This is a huge usability issue, especially if you write longer articles like I do. For example, I was writing a post this morning featuring a list of 50 premium WordPress themes. This post has the title, as well as a 500 to 700 pixel tall preview image that goes along with it. Multiply this times 50 items, and you have a pretty tall post. The problem is, my Yoast Seo panel lies underneath my post content. To look at my page analysis and make sure that I’ve included everything that I should, I have to scroll through my entire post. Before, it was contained in a smaller window. If I wanted it larger, I had the choice of making it larger. I wasn’t stuck with having to scroll through a 30,000 pixel tall post to get to my other panels. I’ve only been using this update for a few days and I’m already annoyed with it.

Wordpress Update - Icons

WordPress Editor Icons

As an avid blogger, I tend to use a lot of images in my posts. This is especially true if I write list posts. What really irks me is that they change the icons that appear over your images. The icons used to have a black background, and icons themselves were white. I never once had a single problem seeing these icons in my post. All I had to do, is hover over any of my images and the icon was immediately visible. Now, you get these super tiny black icons with no background. If your image is dark, these icons are nearly invisible. This is frustrating when you’re used to seeing larger icons that are easier to click and instantly visible. Why in the world when they tried to fix something that wasn’t broke? It’s not a question of aesthetics, because the new choice isn’t better than the old one.


Other than these issues, the new WordPress update is fine to me. I only had a problem with the two feature changes listed above. I have yet to encounter any other problems. Have you run into any issues with the new WordPress update? If I’ve missed a menu where i can fix these issues and go back to the old way, feel free to let me know. I’d be glad to. I would love to hear what you have to say about this issue. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.