Libra Free WordPress Theme

If you’re looking for an amazing corporate WordPress theme, the Libra Free WordPress Theme is for you. Built by Yithemes, it is a great WordPress theme for being free. With a well structured layout and a powerful, corporate look, Libra is a spectacular theme for any business. You have a lot of control over the content and how the site looks. I like how the logos are all placed at the bottom of the home page. You could easily display your best clients, which shows proof and builds trust immediately. Anything you can do to build credibility is great for business. This theme is a great theme for building trust and credibility, with a traditional corporate look. You can preview the Libra free WordPress Theme below.

Libra free WordPress Theme

Libra is a strong and powerful theme with a clean, corporate and responsive layout. This theme is really suitable for a corporate & brandable site and also for personal portfolio and blog.

Libra Free WordPress Theme- blog modules

Libra’s blog modules are great for featured posts, and you can specify featured images. You can also choose not to show images, and just show the dates and titles, which looks great, too.

Libra free wordpress theme - portfolio

The portfolio section looks great. it is sortable via categories, and has a nice lightbox feature for enlarging and zooming in on images. Your portfolio will look clean and professional with the Libra free WordPress Theme.

Libra Free WordPress Theme Features

  • Responsive design
  • IE8+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari compatible
  • WP 3.2+ Compatible
  • Translation ready (.po and .mo files available)
  • Widget ready sidebars
  • Valid XHTML / CSS
  • Blog structure + threaded comments

Download the Libra Free WordPress Theme

The Libra Free WordPress Theme is an excellent free theme, with a premium version available. To preview or download the free version, click the link below to be taken to the download page.

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